privacy policy
Privacy Policy
ABCD Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) handles the personal information of both customers and employees in the course of its business operations. We regard the protection of personal information as a fundamental element of our business activities and a key social responsibility. Based on this Privacy Policy, we ensure the proper handling of personal information.
Article 1 (Appropriate Acquisition, Use, and Provision of Personal Information)
The Company acquires personal information through appropriate means, limited to the extent necessary for business operations. We use personal information within the scope of the purposes we have specified in advance. Should we need to change these purposes, we will provide prior notification and obtain consent from the individual concerned before proceeding. Except when outsourcing tasks, we will not provide personal information to any third party without the individual’s consent. To prevent unauthorized use or provision for purposes other than those intended, the Company’s Personal Information Protection Manager verifies the propriety of any use or provision of personal information. We also reinforce our internal controls through self-checks and internal audits.
Article 2 (Safety Measures for Protecting Personal Information)
1.Preventive Measures Against Leakage, Loss, or Damage
The Company implements appropriate security measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information. We also provide training and supervision to our employees to ensure these measures are thoroughly applied. When outsourcing personal information handling to external parties, we select and oversee such parties with strict caution.
2.Corrective Measures Against Leakage, Loss, or Damage
If any leakage, loss, or damage of personal information occurs, we will prioritize preventing further harm and promptly take corrective action. We will investigate the cause and strive to prevent recurrence. Additionally, we will report incident-related information to relevant stakeholders and authorities as needed.
Article 3 (Compliance with Laws, National Guidelines, and Other Standards)
The Company complies with applicable laws and regulations related to the handling of personal information, as well as government-issued guidelines and standards set forth by affiliated organizations.
Article 4 (Inquiries Regarding Personal Information)
For any questions or concerns about how we handle personal information, please contact the office listed below. The same contact is available for inquiries about our personal information protection initiatives.
Personal Information Inquiry Desk: